About Us

Society to raise awareness of the Catholic Community on campus, open to all faiths and denominations as well as those who are non-religious.


Our society aims to raise awareness of the Catholic Community on campus, but we are open to all faiths and denominations, providing both pastoral and spiritual support for all on campus. We work closely with the ecumenical chaplaincies at both Brighton and Sussex Universities run by our Catholic chaplains: Claire O' Sullivan at Brighton (claireosullivan@brighton.ac.uk), and Fr Rod Jones at Sussex. You do not have to be religious to be a member of our society, we are here for non-judgemental pastoral support too! Find us online at http://catholicstudents.org/


What do we do?

  • Masses: Weekday Masses Monday, Thursday and Friday at 12:00 and on Tuesday at 17:30 (5:30 pm) in the Meeting House (Sussex Campus). There is also Mass on the Moulsecoomb campus (Watts 406) on Wednesdays at 12:00. Sunday Mass at 18:00 (6:00 pm), Meeting House (Sussex Campus)
  • Tuesday night: Social evenings ranging from Movie nights to serious sessions on Catholic moral philosophy. Starts at 18:30 (6:30 pm) in Howard House
  • Retreat days: Termly retreats to a Monastery or Convent for a day or two to relax and learn about a specific topic in detail (e.g. Lent, or different types of Prayer).
  • Rosary groups: Monday at 18:30 (6:30 pm) on Zoom and Fridays at 15:00 (3:00 pm) in the Meeting House.
  • Day trips: Historic sites of Britain (e.g. Canterbury, Wiltshire prehistoric sites etc.)
  • Pilgrimages: Student Cross, South Eastern University Students Pilgrimage. 

We are based at Howard House in Falmer so please come by to have a chat, or find more about us on our Facebook page. We are a fully functioning parish with Sunday Mass in the Meeting House (Sussex University) at 18:00 (6 pm).

Don't forget to like the Catholic Chaplaincy to the Universities of Brighton and Sussex on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/catholicchaplaincy/ to keep up with all our current activities and to join the Brighton CathSoc Facebook group for all Brighton specific information. You can also find us on Instagram at www.instagram.com/brightonsussexcatholic

Sunday Catholic Mass
30th March 6pm - 7:30pm
Meeting House, Falmer, BN1 9QT
Please join us to celebrate mass together at the Meeting House* on Sussex University campus, followed by refreshments! *The Meeting House is a circular building with stained windows, any questions please contact us on our social media!
Wednesday Catholic Mass
2nd April noon - 12:30pm
Watts, Room 406
Everyone is welcome to our Catholic Mass every Wednesday, followed by lunch in the Cockcroft canteen.
Wednesday Catholic Mass
9th April noon - 12:30pm
Watts, Room 406
Everyone is welcome to our Catholic Mass every Wednesday, followed by lunch in the Cockcroft canteen.
Wednesday Catholic Mass
16th April noon - 12:30pm
Watts, Room 406
Everyone is welcome to our Catholic Mass every Wednesday, followed by lunch in the Cockcroft canteen.


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Leadership & Society Elections 2025

Students' Union Leadership & Society Elections 2025 This election is for the Full Time Officer roles and Society committee members to lead you in the 2025/26 academic year.

84 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

Candidate List
See who ran for each post and read their manifestos.
View Results
See the published results for each post.