About Us


Welcome to the BSU Nursing Society  (Falmer Campus)

We are a society aimed predominately for nursing students in all fields (Adult, Child and Mental Health) but we also warmly welcome friends and colleagues from other allied health care profession courses and those with an interest in nursing and healthcare. We organise social events, charity efforts, and academic events to network with other health professional societies. As a committee, we are really passionate about supporting you all in maximising your student experience and nursing journey, so if there is anything you would ever like to do or see, please let us know and we will do our best to make it happen. This could be a particular talk you would like to see us organise or even perhaps a trip to a particular nursing related place or just some more social events for us to all just chill out and relax at.

Don't hesitate to get in to touch with us for any queries you may have. 

Please feel free to contact us if you have any issues regarding your course, time at uni, queries regarding essays, placements, practicing skills. We are trying to support everyone as much as possible, and if we cannot help directly, we will find someone who will.

BSU Nursing Society 




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Leadership & Society Elections 2025

Students' Union Leadership & Society Elections 2025 This election is for the Full Time Officer roles and Society committee members to lead you in the 2025/26 academic year.

84 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

Candidate List
See who ran for each post and read their manifestos.
View Results
See the published results for each post.