We are a cultural Society aiming to create a welcoming environment to the Kurdish community here at Brighton.
The Kurdish community both now and historically are a minority, with alot of hostility aimed at those who refer to themselves as Kurdish. our aim is to create a community where kurds from all four parts of Kurdistan can come together to party, to have fun, engage in their culture and learn the language.
We will be working on hosting language workshops in as many accessible dialects as possible, Kurdish dancing workshops (halay/halparke/govend), Kurdish parties, ect.
We look forward to your engagment in the society.
don't be shy, you do not have to be kudish to join in, nor do you have to worry about not speaking the language, we welcome all to celebrate the culture.
If there are any events you would like us to host, ect, please feel free to get in touch with us on instagram: @uob_kurdishsociety
Or alternitavely if you have any other questions or are worried about anything either do feel free to reach out to us.
Our Committee:
any questions about absoltely anything feel free to reach out.
VP Finance:
Any questions about Tickets, ect ask away.
VP Socials:
Any questions regardng socials we hold or social media ask away.
Merch Officer:
Any questions regarding our upcoming merch, feel free to ask.
Students' Union Leadership & Society Elections 2025 This election is for the Full Time Officer roles and Society committee members to lead you in the 2025/26 academic year.
84 posts are up for election.
The polls have closed, and results have been published.