Empowering student voices in politics 🗣️ Gain political + volunteering experience 🌿 Connect with like-minded people 🌍 Be Heard! 🔉
We are the Green Party Society, a community of students passionate about empowering your voice!
Our society is dedicated to connecting like-minded people, through gaining political and volunteering experience whilst having as much fun as we can.
We want to provide opportunities to network for your future and have diverse and inclusive events.
Whether you're interested in Activism or just want to enter a new network, our society offers something for everyone.
Join us and get involved!
Students' Union Leadership & Society Elections 2025 This election is for the Full Time Officer roles and Society committee members to lead you in the 2025/26 academic year.
84 posts are up for election.
The polls have closed, and results have been published.