Welcome to the "Your Voice" page at Brighton Students' Union!
At Brighton, we believe that your voice matters. We are here to represent you and ensure that your university experience is everything you want it to be. Engaging with the Students' Union can have a transformative impact on your academic journey, empowering you to achieve more and make a difference in your university community.
Why Your Voice Matters: We've seen the positive outcomes of student engagement in representational activities, with students who participate in our Students' Union initiatives such as being a Course Rep, standing in our elections or running a campaign achieving higher grades and reporting a stronger sense of belonging. Your involvement in the representation work we do can amplify these benefits, ensuring that your needs and interests are heard, acknowledged, and addressed.
Your Channels of Representation: We offer various channels for you to express your voice and contribute to the betterment of our university community:
- Course Reps: Course Reps play a crucial role in representing their peers and advocating for improvements in academic programs. By becoming a Course Rep, you can directly influence the quality of your education and the learning experience of your fellow students.
- Super Reps: Super Reps are a recruited and paid group of 15 students who represent each academic school and community, with their positions based on data from the Pulse survey. They meet monthly with Full-Time Officers and regularly with Heads of School to discuss issues, lead decisions, and contribute through surveys.
- Elections: Elections are a cornerstone of our democratic process. By participating in our elections, either as a candidate or a voter, you can shape the future of our Students' Union and ensure that your interests are represented at every level.
- Petitions: Got a cause you're passionate about? Our petitions page empowers you to raise your voice on issues that matter to you. By starting or supporting a petition, you can mobilise change and draw attention to important matters affecting students.
- Student-Led Campaigns: The Students' Union supports a range of student-led campaigns tackling various social, environmental, and educational issues. Running a campaign allows you to be an active advocate for positive change and contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable campus.
- Officer Campaigns: Every year, students have the opportunity to elect their Officers who lead the Students' Union and represent student interests at the highest levels. By engaging in Officer campaigns, you can be a part of shaping the leadership that will guide our Union's initiatives.
- Our Research: Informed decisions are vital for effective representation. Our research page provides access to valuable data and insights that help us understand your needs better and tailor our efforts accordingly.
Get Involved, Achieve More: Your voice is a powerful tool for change. Engaging with Brighton Students' Union allows you to unlock your full potential and create a lasting impact on your university experience. Through representation work and participation in our initiatives, you contribute to a thriving and supportive academic community.

For more detailed information on how students are involved in or influence BSU decision making, please refer to the diagram above. This visual guide outlines the various roles and processes within our democratic structure, including Full-Time Officers, Super Reps, Society Committee Members, and more.