This is where you can make a change to your University experience
Get your voice heard - submit an idea for change and get other students to support you. If enough students support your idea, you can trigger a referendum to:
Change BSU policy
Appeal a decision made at Executive Committee
Call a vote of no confidence in an elected officer or trustee
Challenge BSU's affiliation to NUS or other bodies.
How it works
- Submit your idea for change
- We'll check it over for you and publish it
- Encourage other students to support your idea - you'll need to collect 500 votes in 13 days
- Wait 24 hours and we'll publish the result
- Successful? We'll hold a referendum
- Unsuccessful? You could try again next academic year!
You need a 500 or more votes for us to call a referendum. Make sure you get out there and tell other students your idea!
Ideas can be subitted at any time. Make sure you include a full of copy of your idea and why you think it should change - give other students as much detail as possible.
Remember to check to see if another student has already submitted a similar idea. If they have, you can vote and get involved in their campaign. Only two similar ideas can be submitted in an academic year.
To vote or comment on a petitions please login using your UoB student login details.
Hints & Tips
Write a plan and set yourself goals
Research your chosen idea so you can answer all students' questions
Get the word out to other students - use your social channels, posters, host talks
Target students that could benefit from your idea - sports clubs, societies, reps, particular academic schools... Who will support you?
Submit your idea during term-time when campus is likely to be busy
Remember to have fun! Get creative and work with other students - good luck!